Somehow I ended up watching the first episode of Mad Men the other day, and I'm now totally and completely hooked. Currently I'm on the last episode of the second season & I have season 3 downloading so I can watch it next. I don't know why I wasn't watching this ages ago!
A few thoughts (SPOILERS if you haven't watched seasons 1 and 2!): My favorites so far are definitely Betty and Peggy, and I really liked Fred so I was sad when he had to leave (but I'm hoping maybe he'll come back??) Also, as cruel as she is I also like Joan but it might just be the fact that I'm so tickled pink to see that all the men at the office think a curvy girl is pretty. It gives me hope :) I've also always had a little crush on John Slattery so I'm thrilled that he's a regular, and panicked quite a bit when his health declined in the first season. I think Duck is *perfect* for a show about the 60's since he reminds me so much of Gig Young in movies like That Touch of Mink. His voice especially. But I totally stopped liking his character when he let his dog loose outside the building. It saddens me that the people on the show don't seem to have much of a sense of humor, but considering the fact that I just watched about 30 episodes of Friends last week I'm not lacking in the comedy department right now. Pete Campbell was the most annoying person ever in the first few episodes, but he doesn't bother me as much now. Except that he always looks like he's wearing lipstick and I can't seem to take my mind off that when he's in a scene.
And two of my favorite things about the show are minor cast members -- Robert Morse (aka the star of one of my favorite movies, The Loved One) is the "Cooper" in Sterling Cooper. If I had known this I would have been watching a long time ago. Also, Marshall Darling (aka Clarissa's dad from Clarissa Explains it All!!) plays Pete Campbell's father in law. Any CEIA cast member sightings always make me very happy :)
And of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't bring up the clothes. THE CLOTHES. *squeals* Can I raid Betty Draper's closet please??
I want to try to get caught up to the current episodes so I can start watching them on AMC when they air, but I'm not sure how to watch the season 4 episodes that have already aired... if anyone knows where you can see them online (for free) please let me know :D
Oh, and here's a better picture of my new haircut after I actually styled it :)