Hi there! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I'm still doing outfit posts but they'll be over on my patreon now (they're set to public so you can view them even if you're not a supporter. Don't worry, it's FREEEEE!!!) It's just easier for me to post things in one spot and my traffic on this blog indicates that this is really not the spot I should be posting things anymore, lol! I think when I took a blogging hiatus in 2014 my blog kind of drifted off into some blogging abyss where even if you return and blog daily (or, lately, monthly) nobody knows.
ANYWAY. If anyone is out there (*if anyone is out there* echoes back at me) you can find my new posts over there.
Click here to view this particular outfit post and learn a bit about what's been going on in my life and my beautiful love story about this pretty dress. Hope to see you there!