Thursday, December 8, 2011


It's been raining like mad here this week, so it's been too dark for outfit photos*. The only reason you can even see anything in this photo is because I have every light on in my room and I lightened it in photoshop (hence the graininess!) But I thought this was a good opportunity to show me and my room on an off-day!

Yesterday I packed up all of my pending etsy orders and made quite a mess in the process... I also didn't put much effort into my appearance, I just thew on a black dress & tights and put my hair in a messy bun. As much attention as I've paid to every organizational detail in my room, I still end up with something like this when I'm working. No amount of de-cluttered drawers, filing cabinets and shelving units can prevent Hurricane Kate! I usually take my outfit photos in the morning, when I've just gotten dressed, the lighting is good, my hair is perfect and my room is still neat and tidy from straightening it up the night before. And then all hell breaks loose when I actually get to work, lol! This is a tiny bit worse than usual since Christmas has (thankfully!) brought me a few more orders than usual, but I'd be lying if I said this wasn't typical of my workspace all year long ;)

*I took this photo around 3pm. Can you believe that?! I'm beginning to forget what the sun looks like.